

Prof. Dr. Eng. Eleni Diamanti

Research Director at CNRS laboratory - Sorbonne University in Paris.

European Quantum Technologies Flagship Strategic Advisory Board - European Research Council Starting Grant (2018) - coordinator of the Paris Centre for Quantum Technologies - CNRS Silver and Innovation Medals (2024) - Cofounder start-up company Welinq.


Prof. Dr Immanuel Bloch

Scientific director at the Max-Planck-Institute of Quantum Optics, Garching and professor at the Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich.

Otto Hahn Medal (2002), Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize (2004), EPS Quantum Electronics Prize (2011), Körber European Science Prize (2013), Harvey Prize (2015), Clarivate Citation Laureate (2022). 


Prof. Dr. Piet O. Schmidt

Head of Institute for Experimental Quantum Metrology, PTB, Braunschweig

Professor at Leibniz Universität Hannover. Since 2023, member of the German Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)


Prof. Dr. John M. Martinis

Quantum Computing team leader

Google Quantum A.I. Lab, John Stewart Bell Prize  winner (2021)


Prof. Dr. Artur Ekert

Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford and 'Lee Kong Chian Centennial Professor', National University of Singapore.

Prof. Dr. Arthur Ekert, Professorial Fellow at Merton College, Oxford. Maxwell Medal and Prize (1995) Descartes Prize (2004) Hughes Medal (2007) Fellow of the Royal Society (2016) Micius Quantum Prize (2019)


Prof. Dr. Rosario Fazio

Head of the Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics, International Centre for Theoretical Physics Trieste

International "Luigi Tartufari" prize from the Accademia Nazionale Lincei (2016), the "Google Quantum Research Award" (2019) and an ERC Advanced Grant (2022).


Dr. Harald M. Hauschildt

Head of Optical and Quantum Programme Office

Manager of ESAs Strategic Programme Line ‘’Optical and Quantum Communication – ScyLight” at ESA Directorate of Connectivity and Secure Communication.


Prof. Dr. Fabio Sciarrino

Full Professor at the University of Rome La Sapienza and Senior Research Fellow at the International School for Advanced Studies Sapienza, SSAS.

ERC-Starting Grant Consolidator (2012 and 2015), Medal of the Presidency of the Republic, Le Scienze per la Fisica Medal, Sapio Junior Award for Italian Research, Junior Award for Italian Research World Economic Forum (2015 and 2016).


Prof. Dr. Michelle Simmons

Director of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology at UNSW Sydney, and CEO of the company Silicon Quantum Computing.

Pawsey Medal (2005), Thomas Ranken Lyle Medal (2015), Eureka Prize (2015), Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology (2015), L'Oréal-UNESCO Awards for Women in Science (2017), Australian of the Year (2018), Officer of the Order of Australia (AO) (2019), Prime Minister's Prize for Science (2023)


Prof. Dr. Christopher Monroe

Gilhuly Family Presidential Distinguished Professor and Director, Duke Quantum Center

Rabi Prize (2001), International Quantum Communication Award (2012), Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (1997), Arthur L. Schawlow Prize in Laser Science (2015), Willis E. Lamb Award for Laser Science and Quantum Optics(2019).


Prof. Dr. Christof Wunderlich

Founder & CSO of eleQtron is the first German company for quantum computing hardware

Chair of Experimental Quantum Optics at the University of Siegen and is the world’s leading expert in quantum computing with high frequency controlled trapped ions.


Ass. Prof. Dr. David C. Moore

Head of the Moore group at the Department of Physics at Yale University

Mitsuyoshi Tanaka Dissertation Award in Experimental Particle PhysicsAPS (2013), Lee Grodzins Postdoctoral Award – MIT (2015), NSF Early Career Award (2017), Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship in Physics (2018).


Prof. Dr Harry Buhrman

Chief Scientist Quantum Algorithms & Innovation, Quantinuum, London

Elected member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (2020).


Prof. Dr Klaus Sengstock

W3 Professor at the University of Hamburg

Specializes in Experimental Physics with a focus on Quantum Optics and Laser Physics. A spokesperson for projects like the Quantencomputer-Demonstrator Project 'Rymax' and the Federal Excellence Cluster AIM.


Prof. Dr. Malcolm Geoffrey Boshier

Scientific Director of the Quantum Institute at the Los Alamos National Laboratory

APS award winner, Division of Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics Fellowship (2014)


Prof. Dr. Elham Kashefi

Chief Scientist at National Quantum Computing Centre, Professor at University of Edinburgh Research Director at CNRS

VeriQloud co-founder, Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh (FRSE) (2024). Elected member of the Young Academy of Scotland (2011)